August 22, 2010

Surat PIN Google Adsense

Pandangan dari belakang surat

Yahoo..! Dah dapat PIN no untuk akaun Google Adsense!! Tak sabo nak memasukkan no code tu..Agaknye appeal ari tu diterima kot hehe....

Sekali bukak2 huh! hampeh belaka....Google dah reply appeal email hari tu.

Dia ckp : "Thank you for your appeal. We appreciate the additional information you've provided, as well as your continued interest in the AdSense program. However, after thoroughly re-reviewing your account data and taking your feedback into consideration, our specialists have confirmed that we're unable to reinstate your AdSense account." ...kuang..kuang..kuang!!

Dah le minah ko simpan je lah surat tu buat bungkus tempe ke ikan kering pekasam ke ..Xde maknenye lg.. Motif kisah ni adalah : kalau akaun korg dh kena ban tu x payah la nak merayu ke apa, buat je lah akaun baru ok.


  1. singgah sini & follow uu jon kita tukar2 link

  2. hehe..tq2. okei angah sayang dah link blog sayang selasih ;)
